A year or two ago a revolutionary new camera hit the market - the Lytro Light Field Camera (LFC). This was the first consumer Light Field Camera to be produced. If you're wondering what an LFC does then just have a look and click on this picture.
So an LFC is a camera that captures light from every plane, that's light travelling in every direction. A conventional camera captures light from just one plane. This means that with the Lytro camera you can refocus your pictures time and time again after you've taken the picture, so you don't have to worry about focussing before taking a picture - the ultimate point and shoot.
Well Lytro cameras have been available in the US for about a year or two but they are now available in more countries. Earlier this week Lytro announced that their cameras will be available in Australia, Hong Kong, Singapore and Canada as well as more outlets in the US.
Let's hope that they come to the UK soon and that this brilliant technology becomes the norm.
Do you have or have you used a Lytro camera? What do you think of it?